Foreign Language for Babies & Toddlers

Supercharge your little one’s brainpower for language with a science-based approach.

The smallTalk App

For babies 0 - 6 months

Featuring seven different languages, our interactive app is full of lullabies, songs, and stories recorded by mothers from around the world.

The goal of the app is to focus on early exposure of the language sounds. Babies have the unique ability to distinguish all the language sounds of the world. But the brain works by quickly specializing in the sounds it interacts with in the first year. smallTalk makes it easy to capitalize on this important time to pre-wire your baby’s brain with the building blocks of a new language.

As your baby engages with our language learning lessons, we will give you daily tips on how to intentionally play and interact with your baby. This social experience is important when engaging with a new language!

smallStory Lessons

For children 6 months - 2 years+

A more immersive experience for little ones who are ready to move and play, our method introduces your child to the building blocks of a new language through active learning exchanges. The lessons feature books, audio, video, and playtime activities all tailored to your child's growing mind and abilities.

Our lessons are a Baby & Me experience - meaning you will be involved! Our hope is to give parents and their children the opportunity to bond over the gift of language learning.

With digital-only and no-screen time options, we can customize the experience around your parenting style and make it easy and fun to incorporate into your daily life.

English & Spanish lessons now available!

Our Content

Our content is recorded (and, in most cases, developed) by native speaking parents of your chosen language. Culture is intertwined with language and being a native speaker means more than just an accent.

How we talk to our little ones also matters. Our content is recorded in infant-directed speech, a speech pattern proven to impart important language data & delight your little one! The combination of these factors provides a learning experience that’s tailored to your little one’s ability and brings a cultural element unlike any other.

Learn more about our content and opportunities for parents to participate in our content process.

Language Acquisition and brain development are uniquely intertwined during infancy - language learning at this stage actually shapes how the brain functions for a lifetime.

How smallTalk™ Works

The Best Time

Your little one’s brain is primed for language development. Learning at this stage develops lasting pathways for future success. We’re here to help you bring foreign language to your child in a way that effortlessly pre-wires their brain with the building blocks (the speech sounds and patterns) of a new language.

Tailored Content

Your little one needs the right language data for their developing brain. Our exclusive content captures the magic between caregivers and their children–singing and reading in their native language. You will be hearing the same types of interactions you would have with your own little one, just from another language and culture.

Active Learning

Simply listening to a variety of languages isn’t enough. Just like older humans, your baby’s engagement in the material is what makes it stick. Our methods provide you the tools to make active learning exchanges with your little one.

What Do Parents & Experts Think About smallTalk?

This mighty and thoughtfully designed app is exactly what we were searching for. We always knew we wanted to incorporate foreign languages into our routine but, before finding smallTalk, could only find options geared toward adults. We paired lessons with tummy time and now, as our son is a little older, we use it in the car and while he plays independently. Our gratitude goes out to the smallTalk team!”

Megan S.

“Shravin has been listening to smallTalk’s French lessons since he was 3 months old. Now he’s 14 months, and he has already picked up a few words. The translations really helped me integrate those words in his everyday learning. Just 15 mins of smalltalk lessons a day does take an infant's language learning to the next level.”

Dhivyaa C.

“This immersive experience is highly effective and, as I have repeatedly said, endearing. All-in-all, smallTalk boasts an engaging and compelling app built with quality, effective audio, and engaging activities to support parents and babies alike.”

Read the Full Review

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