Keeping Families Connected in the NICU.
smallTalk in the NICU
Developed by a neonatologist with support from the National Institutes of Health, The smallTalk® NICU Egg™ speaker helps families stay connected with their baby during NICU stays.
Families can record messages using our free app, either at home or while in the NICU. The Egg is played once or twice per shift during the baby’s wakeful periods. The volume and duration are automatically adjusted based on the infant's age and location, ensuring safe and appropriate use.
Part of a Care Team?
Learn more about bringing The smallTalk NICU Egg to your hospital system.
The Power of Voice
For babies in the NICU, hearing their caregiver's voice helps in increasing cardiorespiratory stability and growth, improves deep sleep, and is even associated with shorter stays. And, it’s good for their brain. NICU babies who hear more infant directed speech may have improved neurobehavioral and language scores at 18 months.